On my walk on the mountain today, I finally got an idea for the interactive piece I want to create during my upcoming show. Remember the felt board from kinder garden? Well, this will be the same idea. I am going to put up a design wall and visitors to the show can create a fabric collage. I will have different shapes, colours and textures of fabric, including some photos printed on fabric. Visitors can stick them on the design wall and make their own design. If you don't like what is already up there, you can change it. There will be an incentive to make it beautiful; the finished piece could be yours! Whatever is up there at the end of the show at noon on May 11, I will sew together, quilt and bind. The names of all who participated will go into a magic sack and I will draw a name. This person will win the piece. I can't wait to see what you make.
Friends and family have told me that my name is not big enough on the poster I made for my upcoming show. So I made this: